University of Belgrade, Faculty of Mining and Geology, Belgrade, Serbia


Material production of mineral raw materials is accompanied by specific costs, the general consideration of which is necessary as part of long-term production planning. A special problem that accompanies the definition of these costs is that their planned consideration must be performed much earlier before the start of the production in question. Already in the phase of geological exploration and finding of the ore deposit, a projection of economic profitability must be made, which should enable the relationship between the market price of mineral raw materials and production costs, because the continuation of exploration depends on such a positive result. A special problem arises in the case when due to the low level of exploration there are not enough elements for cost definition of future production. This paper analyzes the application of the method of economic evaluation of deposits, as a complex system of sets of factors and sets of indicators, which allows direct, or in combination with the method of analogy, general view of the costs of future mineral production.


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