Belgrade Business and Arts Academy of Applied Studies, Belgrade, Republic of Serbia

Faculty of Economics University of Belgrade, Belgrade, Republic of Serbia


The development of productive forces in the twentieth, and especially in the twenty-first century, takes place in the sign of the affirmation of knowledge, as a basic resource of the development of society and changes in its civilization that is taking on a new era in its evolutionary development. The importance of knowledge has grown thanks to changes in the content and character of human labor activities expressed in its intellectualization, which is realized primarily not in the engagement and spending of human muscle power, but in activation, manifestation and confirmation of his intellectual abilities. Changes in the content and character of human labor activity also require changes in the paradigms of its management at all levels of its manifestation, from concrete forms of organization to the global structure of society. Those changes, starting from changes in its content, should mark harmonization of requirements of its purposefully targeted activity with certain positive consequences of creatively profitable aspects and human characteristics as a thinking and valued being on the line of understanding, thinking and treating man in labor activities to a lesser extent as a being capable of expressing the demands of the executor of work orders, but more as a creative being. With such a development, the evolution of human society would mark its development in the direction of the realization of man as a creator, which is in accordance with the development of man as sui generis.


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