„BH gas“ d.o.o. Bosna i Hercegovina
Bosnia and Herzegovina

University of Banja Luka, Faculty of Economics, RS, Bosna i Hercegovina
Bosnia and Herzegovina

Government of Republic of Srpska, Ministry of Trade and Tourism, Banja Luka, RS, BiH
Bosnia and Herzegovina


Business crisis represent unplanned and unwanted period in company business with timelines and uncertain outcome that impacts liquidity, potential and company’s success. Corporate governance analysis of the impact, apropos, fault in risk management system at the corporate level and management reward system make start point in crisis situation analysis and corporate governance standards implementation in crisis. Crisis management focused on preventive management aspects, identification and proactive managing of the process of crisis. Implementation of corporative governance standards in crisis situations mean adjustment process to the new conditions operation of the company, apropos, analysis, identification the causes of the crisis, implementation measures for suppression and reduction crisis effects and monitoring and evaluation operation results.


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