University of East Sarajevo, Faculty of Business Economics Bijeljina, Bosnia and Herzegovina
Bosnia and Herzegovina

University of East Sarajevo, Faculty of Business Economics Bijeljina, Bosnia and Herzegovina
Bosnia and Herzegovina

University of East Sarajevo, Faculty of Business Economics Bijeljina, Bosnia and Herzegovina
Bosnia and Herzegovina


In this paper, a program is presented that provides for automatic monitoring of production processes. The program is designed to be used in companies that deal with a wide variety of production activities. This program has several menus: production order, delivery note, receipt, consumption of materials, realization of production, inventory, write-offs, leveling, components, an account review, a business overview and a card of goods. We plan to make this production management program part of a single ERP (Enterprise Resource Planning) program, which we have been developing for several years now. This integral program, apart from the production process, should include modules for: employees, business clients, general information about the firm, services provided by the company, products that the company produces, products that the company supplies, sells and services, relationships with existing banks, bookkeeping entries and outgoing faxes and financial operations. The production process of any product requires the generation, monitoring, and storage of a large amount of documents. This paper will be about a program that seeks to automate these processes. The program is intended primarily to address the needs of manufacturing companies, but can also be applied to assist services companies as well. The program monitors every product, through the raw materials needed for production, as well as monitoring the technology used in the production of each product. In order for the program to be operational, it is necessary to first enter data into a relational database. To store the data, a PostgreSQL relational database is used with 13 interconnected tables. The complete program is written in the Java programming environment.


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PostgreSQL 8.1.3 Documentation
